Syntax Party
We’re having a Syntax Party and you’re invited! Join us on Monday, April 8th for a half-day workshop with Dr. Margie Gillis! Syntax is a key component of the new...
We’re having a Syntax Party and you’re invited! Join us on Monday, April 8th for a half-day workshop with Dr. Margie Gillis! Syntax is a key component of the new...
Lors de cette formation, les participants et participantes seront en mesure de : 1. Comprendre les principes de la littératie structurée. 2. Se familiariser avec la planification d'une séquence d'enseignement...
Join Dr. Young-Suk Grace Kim, professor and Senior Associate Dean at the School of Education, University of California, to learn more about how to implement the Ontario Right-to-Read recommendations. Dr....
As we approach the next reporting period with the new Ontario 2023 Language Curriculum, we are facing questions about the whats and hows of assessment and evaluation - what tools to use, what data to include, how to determine a single mark, what to include in comments, and more.
Join Laura Bross, Siobain Doyle, Melissa Monette Smith and Jordan Sloan on Monday, May 27 at 7:00 pm to delve into screening, assessment, and evaluation in the context of the new Language curriculum.
Registration Opening Soon! Join us for an informal chat session where our team members are all ears for your burning questions about reading, writing, and everything in between! From understanding...
Registration Opening Soon! Join us for an informal chat session where our team members are all ears for your burning questions about reading, writing, and everything in between! From understanding...
Registration Opening Soon! Join us for an informal chat session where our team members are all ears for your burning questions about reading, writing, and everything in between! From understanding...